Junior Beginners Current Training Curriculum (May - Aug 2023) White & Yellow Belts

Black Stripe 1– Kata:  Basic 1 - Click here for Basic #1 Video

Black Stripe 2 One Step Combos 1-2 -  Click here for Beginner One Steps Video

Black Stripe 3 - Sparring Technique- 3A +2B + Round Kick vs. Catch+Punch+Fit in for throw

Red Stripe - know all the above with power, details, intensity, and spirit  


The minimum class attendance to be eligible for belt testing this cycle is: 18 Classes. Testing begins July 29th

The next Promotion Days are during the week of August 19th - exact dates to be determined 



Here is some more information about Belt Testing and Promotions

Frequency and Schedule

Belt Promotions are held 3 times a year.  Generally, they take place at the end of Spring, Summer, & Winter. 

Class Attendance

Every student with regular attendance will have the opportunity to test for their next belt.

Consistent attendance is important so that students learn the required material for Belt Promotion.  

What to Expect 

Phase One is Testing.

Testing is done a month before belt promotion during the student's classes. 

Passing students will receive 3 BLACK STRIPES AND 1 RED STRIPE on their belt, signifying that they know the required information and are 100% ready to promote to their next belt.

Junior Level Students

1st Black Stripe - Kata

2nd Black Stripe - One-Step Combinations

3rd Black Stripe - Technique

Red Stripe - Must complete all three stripe requirements at one time 

Phase Two is the Belt Promotion and Graduation Ceremony.

This phase is a celebration and ceremony for students to receive their newly earned belts.  We encourage our students to bring the whole family to witness the Belt Promotion and be sure to bring a camera. 

It is normal for a student to be nervous, just give them encouragement!  This ceremony is a BIG DEAL, you do not want to miss it.

Belts Must Be Earned

In our school, a student must know the required curriculum to earn their belt. 


What If I don't feel ready to promote? or What If I don't feel that my child is ready to be promoted?

  If they are earning testing stripes, they are ready!

  They have already demonstrated to the instructor that they know their required material. 

If they are not earning testing stripes, please let us know your concern, and together we can find a solution.  


The costs associated with the belt promotion cover the 4 weeks of testing, the new belt, and the official promotion certificate. 


The Belt promotion must be paid for two weeks in advance of Belt Promotion to ensure we receive the correct belt and certification (we make multiple announcements about the deadline as promotion approaches). 

A rush fee will be assessed for anyone missing the deadline.

The fee for Belt Promotion is $55 or $50/child for families of two or more students.